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About Roberto 

Dr. Roberto Mixco is a esteemed board certified neurologist with an ample background in the field of neurology. Born in El Salvador, he embarked on his academic journey there and eventually earned his medical degree. His commitment to excellence led him to the United States, where he pursued specialized training as a Neurologist , started training in Saint Louis University in Missouri and culminating in the completion of his residency at the University of Louisville in Kentucky.


Dr. Mixco's dedication to advancing his expertise did not stop there. He further honed his skills through a fellowship in Neurophysiology, ensuring that he remained at the forefront of neurological advancements. Since 1988, Dr. Mixco has been in private practice, serving the Central Florida community with unwavering dedication and clinical excellence.


In addition to his dedicated medical career, Dr. Mixco is a devoted family man, celebrating 43 years of marriage to his wife, Eva Marie. Together they have raised three accomplished children and with five beautiful grandchildren.


 Moreover, Dr. Mixco's commitment to stroke patients is evident in his book

"One: One-Handed Non -Traditional Expression for Patients Who Had a Stroke" which serves as a valuable resource for individuals and family affected by a stroke.


Dr. Mixco's multifaceted background and extensive experience make him a trusted physician in the field of neurology. His passion for patient care and his contributions to medical literature, as exemplified by his book, continue to enrich the lives of those he touches through his work.

One: One-Handed Non -Traditional Expression for Patients Who Had a Stroke
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